
the five major schools Learn more about the five major schools

  • Each of the five major schools of Chinese bonsai has its own characteristics. Who do you think is better?

    Each of the five major schools of Chinese bonsai has its own characteristics. Who do you think is better?

    There are many bonsai schools in China and five traditional factions: 1 Lingnan School represented by Guangzhou, 2 Sichuan School represented by Chengdu, 3 Suzhou School represented by Suzhou, 4 Yang School represented by Yangzhou and 5 Shanghai representatives.

  • On Yangpai Bonsai and its characteristics

    On Yangpai Bonsai and its characteristics

    Yangpai bonsai is one of the excellent traditional arts of the Han nationality and one of the five major schools of bonsai in China. A bonsai art school named after Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, which began in the Tang Dynasty. Its one-inch (one-inch three-bend production skills can be described as unique in the world. In order to better protect this special set of bonsai production skills

  • Quantum assembler University survey to play a building block can also play five major genres?

    Quantum assembler University survey to play a building block can also play five major genres?

    When the 11th quantum building block hit the shelves, the quantum planner commissioned AI to investigate the reasons for choosing quantum building blocks. After a week of "online shuttling visits", we found that the vast number of quantum assemblers have even divided into five major schools! Down there.

  • Sichuan style bonsai art style

    Sichuan style bonsai art style

    Sichuan bonsai, also known as Jiannan bonsai, is an excellent traditional art of the Han nationality and a treasure of garden art. It is a bonsai art school named after Sichuan Province, and it is also one of the five major schools of bonsai in China. Among them, it is divided into two local styles of western Sichuan and eastern Sichuan, which is famous for its simplicity and preciseness and Qiu qu.

  • Yangpai bonsai of handicrafts with Yangzhou characteristics

    Yangpai bonsai of handicrafts with Yangzhou characteristics

    Yangpai Bonsai is a bonsai art school named after Yangzhou, which centers on Yangzhou, including Taizhou, Taixing, Taixian, Xinghua, Gaoyou, Dongtai, Yancheng, Baoying and other counties in northern Jiangsu. Yangpai bonsai is one of the five major schools in the country. The manufacturing skills of the three bends are unique in the world.

  • National Intangible Cultural Heritage-- Yangpai Bonsai skill

    National Intangible Cultural Heritage-- Yangpai Bonsai skill

    Yang style bonsai is one of the five major schools of tree stump bonsai in China. It has a long history and the most distinctive features. Compared with Sichuan School, Su School, Lingnan School and Shanghai School, its ancient cutting skills are also the most complete. In June 2008, Yangpai bonsai skills were selected into the national intangible cultural heritage list.

  • Yangpai Bonsai Museum of Skinny West Lake

    Yangpai Bonsai Museum of Skinny West Lake

    Yangpai Bonsai Museum is located in the thin West Lake Scenic area, which integrates collection, display, popularization, research and other functions, covering an area of more than 40 mu. Yangpai bonsai is one of the five major schools in China, and its production skills of one inch (one inch is 82.5px) and three bends are unique in the world.

  • Yangpai bonsai museum bonsai garden

    Yangpai bonsai museum bonsai garden

    Yangpai Bonsai Museum is located in the thin West Lake Scenic area, which integrates collection, display, popularization, research and other functions, covering an area of more than 40 mu. Yangpai bonsai is one of the five major schools in China, and its production skills of one inch (one inch is 82.5px) and three bends are unique in the world.

  • What are the advantages of making bonsai with tea plum:

    What are the advantages of making bonsai with tea plum:

    Tea plum tree is relatively small, its branches are also relatively low, it is easy to trim shape, tea plum bonsai is also born. The tea plum tree shape is very beautiful, the leaves are very elegant, and the flowers are very beautiful, and the flowering period can be from November of that year to March of the following year, so making bonsai is of high ornamental value.

  • Sichuan style bonsai reflects the elegant urban temperament of Chengdu.

    Sichuan style bonsai reflects the elegant urban temperament of Chengdu.

    Bonsai is a bright spot in Chengdu's gardens and museums. As a characteristic intangible cultural heritage of Chengdu, Sichuan style bonsai is one of the four major schools of Chinese traditional bonsai. From the Eastern Han Dynasty, bonsai artists in Shu began to explore how to condense the wonders of landscape and nature into a small basin. To the five dynasties

  • Selection of Su-style bonsai tree species and their modeling techniques

    Selection of Su-style bonsai tree species and their modeling techniques

    Su-style bonsai is one of the five major schools of Chinese bonsai, which consists of two parts: tree stump bonsai and water-stone bonsai. The most common varieties of stump bonsai are pine and cypress, sparrow plum, elm, yellow poplar, triangular maple, maple, crape myrtle, pomegranate, ginkgo and so on.

  • A brief Analysis of the five Schools and Future Direction of Internet + 's Agriculture

    A brief Analysis of the five Schools and Future Direction of Internet + 's Agriculture

    In 2015, the government formulated Internet + 's action plan, and all kinds of media reported Internet + 's agriculture one after another. Agriculture is becoming the next tuyere of the mobile Internet, but who is standing or has stood on this tuyere? This paper attempts to summarize five kinds of Internet + agriculture.

    2016-01-10 Internet agriculture the five major schools and the future direction analysis
  • The supreme quiet beauty-- Banzhuju and his Su style bonsai

    The supreme quiet beauty-- Banzhuju and his Su style bonsai

    In front of the curved sill of the Yishu basin, the old Zen Qingxing imitates Linquan. Su-style bonsai is one of the five major schools of bonsai in China, which has a long history, which began in the Tang Dynasty in the Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Tang Bai Juyi, Song Sushi, Fan Chengda, Ming Wen Zhengming, Wen Zhenheng, Qing Hu Huanzhang

  • Cathay Pacific Shihua Bank Foundation [Dashu Project]

    Cathay Pacific Shihua Bank Foundation [Dashu Project]

    (Taiwan Business Daily News) Cathay Pacific Shihua Bank has been actively engaged in various public welfare undertakings for 34 years, adhering to the concept of "take the society and use it in the society". The Dashu Program donates financial aid twice a year to help poor families or families encounter major changes.

  • Sichuan style bonsai making techniques

    Sichuan style bonsai making techniques

    Sichuan style bonsai is one of the five traditional schools of Chinese bonsai, deeply rooted in the magnificent and beautiful Bashan Shu River. The bonsai making skills represented by Chengdu area are the foundation and core of Sichuan style bonsai making skills. Sichuan basin artist, devoted to enlightenment, careful observation, production skills

  • Suzhou garden bonsai boutique will enter the Summer Palace

    Suzhou garden bonsai boutique will enter the Summer Palace

    Suzhou is a garden city with the great achievements of oriental garden architecture. Since ancient times, it has enjoyed the reputation of being the first in the world in the south of the Yangtze River and the best in the south of the Yangtze River. Suzhou has always been a gathering place for literati. Wumen painting School, represented by Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying, has created a large number of poems and pictures for Suzhou gardens.

  • How to solve the difficult problem of training professional farmers? The brain drain in rural areas is very high.

    How to solve the difficult problem of training professional farmers? The brain drain in rural areas is very high.

    The difference between farmers and new professional farmers is that the former is a farmer with slash-and-burn cultivation, while the latter has agro-technical expertise, management and management, and is a compound talent. In order to train such talents, we cannot follow the old path of agricultural technology extension and training. This year, the government

    2016-03-20 How to crack occupation farmers training difficult problems rural areas talents
  • If the income from farming is high, why not worry about the "occupation" of farmers?

    If the income from farming is high, why not worry about the

    The proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan mentions a word called a new type of professional peasant. Although it is not a newly created word, it can also see the direction of the future development of farmers and agriculture. There is no lack of agricultural majors in my school, such as Chinese herbal medicine.

    2016-01-10 Farming harvest profit why worry farmers no "occupation "
  • How to solve the problem of "who will farm"

    How to solve the problem of

    How to solve the problem of "who will farm"

  • The training of professional farmers is challenged by the brain drain in rural areas.

    The training of professional farmers is challenged by the brain drain in rural areas.

    Solving the problem of training professional farmers the difference between farmers and a new type of professional farmers lies in that the former is a farmer with slash-and-burn cultivation, while the latter has agro-technical expertise, management and management, and is a compound talent. If we want to cultivate such talents, we can't go to agricultural technology extension.

    2016-03-20 Rural areas talents loss to occupation farmers training encounter challenges